You know it's time to buy new bedroom furniture when your headboard attacks you!
Yes, that's right. Our 30-year-old headboard attacked me in my sleep last night!
I know this because I was awakened at 4 a.m. by extreme pain under one of my fingernails. Turns out I had bumped my hand against an area of the headboard where there was some loose wood and got a 1/4" long sliver jammed up into my nail bed. It hurt enough to wake me up! And the darned thing is still stuck there...throbbing. I tried to remove it with tweezers, but no luck. I guess it will just have to work its way out over time.
Moral of the story: make sure that the next headboard you buy is made of something soft, like licorice! lol
Yeah, but then you'd be eating it in your sleep!! Hope the sliver works its way out quick! Ouch is right!